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发布时间:2015-10-26 点击浏览:



Working too long, people will appear eye fatigue, car is no exception. Look at the daily maintenance and repair of the car lights..


Check vehicle lamp bulbs to burn out failure is an extremely rapid and simple work, however, lamps and lanterns on the exterior of a comprehensive system of maintenance is not so simple. It is essential for the drivers to maintain the external lamps and lanterns in time, because this not only affects the comfort of the vehicles, but also directly relates to the safety of the driving.. Usually before the reminder, the owner is difficult to realize the headlights, tail lights, steering lights or parking lights can not work. Incidentally, the replacement of burned out light bulbs work is very simple, the cost of the DIY below the maintenance station lighting system maintenance fees.

更多情况下,车灯的故障绝不仅限于灯泡烧坏、插座锈蚀或插头损坏这一类的小问题,往往需要采取专业的专业房车改装 http://www.sdamsa.org/ 诊断技术来分析故障发生的根本原因。即使是那些低价位的汽车,其内部和外部灯具也是由主计算机进行控制的。而那些豪华汽车,仅其前大灯就由3台计算机进行控制。

More cases, lamp fault not only bulb is burnt out, corroded socket or plug is damaged the small problems, often require specialized professional car modification diagnostic techniques to analyze the root cause of the failure. Even those low priced cars, their internal and external lamps and lamps are controlled by the master computer. And those luxury cars, only its headlights from 3 computers for control.


If the car comes with a Japanese line DRL, you must first understand the operating principle of the devices. For example, some diurnal light system before starting the engine, the day light can not open; there are some diurnal light system, if the parking brake is not canceled, even if the engine has started, the lamp still does not work. If the vehicle is equipped with a light controlled lamp (i.e. when the dim light from outside to a certain extent, the system has function of automatically opening the headlight), may wish to check the photosensitive from weakest to strongest state in the process of lights, of course, also do not ignore the check automatically turn off the timer. If there is a timer for the system, set it to the maximum delay.


If the headlights damage, usually similar lamps for replacement. Some cars equipped with high strength discharge headlights HID, the device through its pre designed electrical system generated high voltage arc discharge generated high density light source. Note that ordinary quartz - halogen bulbs can not be applied here. Also, check before the headlights if there is crack, because although the surface crack and will not affect the headlights lighting performance, but moisture along the crack infiltration of lamps and lanterns, this is bound to reduce the service life of the bulb.


The headlight light illumination direction calibration should also be included in the maintenance project list, because in order to ensure maximum safety of driving on the road, the headlights must be able to provide a vehicle to drive good lighting.


Seize the professional car modification of the key, also must not forget to examine other lights, such as the steering lamp, license plate lamp, as shown in the width lamp, parking lamp, reversing lamp and brake lights (including the intermediate high brake lights CHMSL) and so on. In addition, many vehicles will also fog lights as standard equipment or a popular option, fog lights, usually installed in the car on the lower position, so it is very easy to be stones of injury, in the maintenance of the, in addition to checking the lighting system itself, headlight crack should not neglected.

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