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发布时间:2015-10-26 点击浏览:


With winter approaching, many owners have put the car fitted with a plush interior. However, in the last week, Nanjing Dachang Yang Road, a car hit a roadside stone carving, the reason is actually plush cushion is not fixed, the driver when reversing the body slide, pedal hard some. Nanjing Liuhe district road traffic lights also occurred in a bicycle accident, a car hit the guardrail, the reason is the steering wheel wear warm clothes when the key support, become "not obedient".


Public Miss Gu said: "it is cold in winter, the arrangement of some plush cushion, plush toys, feel the car is very warm."


Has 20 years of driving experience, the taxi driver Chen Danan said: "the steering wheel by hand grasp, can feel the road through the vibration, if you encounter some unfamiliar road, or the need to turn, can significantly control


If the direction, plush car set closely, it is easy to get rid of it, it is very dangerous."

专业房车改装 http://www.sdamsa.org/ 表示:“建议车主不要盲目使用存在安全隐患的车辆内饰,牢记安全第一。根据交通安全相关法律规定,不得在机动车驾驶室的前后窗范围内悬挂、放置妨碍驾驶人视线的物品。无论是仪表台还是后挡风玻璃,都不应该摆放毛绒玩具、靠垫等饰品,因为容易造成驾驶员的视线死角、分散注意力。而毛绒的坐垫套由于比较厚,如果固定不好的话,在紧急制动的时候,容易使人滑落,引发事故。”

Professional car modification said: "suggested that the owner should not blindly use the vehicle interior hidden safety problems, remember safety first. According to the provisions of the traffic safety law, shall not interfere with the driver line of sight items placed front and rear windows in motor vehicle cab suspension. Either instrument or the rear windshield, should not be placed in plush toys, pillows and other jewelry, because it is easy to cause the driver's line of sight angle, distraction. The plush cushion cover due to relatively thick, if the fix is not good, in emergency braking time, easy to make people fall, cause an accident."

电话:131-5300-5053 133-0531-3588 版权所有:济南程博汽车配件有限公司 鲁ICP备13031414号-4 技术支持:驰翔网络