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发布时间:2015-10-26 点击浏览:

 ▲通常怀孕超过5个月以后,准妈妈体重和身形都会急剧膨胀,隆起的腹部容易撞上仪表板或方向盘,开车时要更加注意.长途对准妈妈来说过于疲劳,胎儿长时间处于颠簸状态,可能会引起不正常的胎动和腹痛,所以商务车改装 http://www.sdamsa.org/ 小编提醒准妈妈最好不要驾车出远门.而对临近预产期(37周以后)的准妈妈们来说,应该绝对避免单独驾车,以免驾车过程中出现临产反应.

] usually pregnant for more than five months later, quasi mother body weight and stature will be a sharp expansion, belly bulge easy to hit on the dashboard and steering wheel, driving to pay more attention to. Long-distance alignment mom too fatigue, fetal for a long time in the turbulence state, which may cause is often movement and abdominal pain, so business car modification Xiaobian remind prospective mother it is best not to drive out of town. And the near expected date of childbirth (37 weeks later) mothers, should absolutely avoid driving alone, in order to avoid driving labor reaction occurs in the process.


Quasi] if mom for novice drivers, because the drive is not skilled, easily out of danger, with the spirit of high tension, the intra-abdominal fetus is not good.


] mothers are not "new". Because the purchase of a new car leather, chemical solvent odor is very serious, air pollution serious, is not conducive to the health of the fetus in pregnant women.


The driving manual car needs two feet kept fit, such abdominal nervous, mother to do what.

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