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依维柯房车改装 依维柯房车改装 唯雅诺房车改装

发布时间:2015-10-26 点击浏览:

 一提起程博改装的改装车,人们总会想起那些拥有强大动力的性能猛兽,可您不知程博改装对豪华改装也颇有见地,下面程博改装出品的依维柯房车改装http://www.sdamsa.org 、唯雅诺就是证明。

Mention to bo modification involving cars, people always think of those who have strong power performance beast, but you don't know CBP adapted for luxury modification also intelligent, CBP refitted from iveco saloon car modified below, jarno is proved.
这辆依维柯商务车改装http://www.sdamsa.org 的重点不是外观的变化,当你拉开它车门就会发现里面的乾坤。原本能乘坐多人的普通座椅被全部移除,取而代之的是4个(两两相对)配备通风/加热、按摩、电动坐姿调节、座椅记忆的豪华“老板椅”,并且全部用真皮包裹。此外,车内还有3个备用座椅。
The iveco commercial vehicles refitted is not the focus of the changes in the appearance, when you open the door and then you find there's fortunes around. Could take more than ordinary seats were all removed, replaced by four (two) equipped with ventilation/heating, massage, luxury electric posture adjustment, seat memory "boss chair", and all with leather. In addition, the car and three more chairs.
唯雅诺商务车改装http://www.sdamsa.org 车厢内除了经过“豪华装修”之外,还在车顶安装了一个尺寸为180cm*90cm的LED液晶屏幕,可以显示12种不同的动画,包括:蓝天白云、繁星夜空、烟火盛宴等等。同时,为了保证车内人员的隐私,四周的车窗玻璃全部更换为黑色隐私玻璃。
Jarno only commercial vehicles refitted car besides after "luxurious decorate", also in the roof installation of a size is 180 cm * 90 cm LED LCD screen, can display the twelve different kinds of animation, including: the blue sky white clouds, the stars, the night sky, fireworks feast and so on. At the same time, in order to ensure the privacy of the occupants, the car Windows all around the replacement to black privacy glass.
唯雅诺房车改装http://www.sdamsa.org 车内不仅装修豪华,娱乐设施也很齐全。一台42寸液晶电视挂在车厢一侧,并配有蓝光DVD播放器、Playstation 4游戏机、以及高级音响系统。同时,车内配备无线网络,电视和灯光都可通过座椅前的触摸屏和手机来控制。如果您口渴了的话,车内还有一个迷你吧台。怎么样?老板们,这样的车您想不想来一辆?
Only jarno saloon car decoration luxurious, not only its vans entertainment facilities are complete. A 42 inch LCD TV hanging at the side of the carriage, and equipped with blu-ray DVD players, Playstation 4 game consoles, and advanced sound system. At the same time, the car is equipped with a wireless network, television and lights can be fixed by the seat in front of the touch screen and mobile phone to control. If you are thirsty, the car is a mini bar. ? Bosses, such a car would you like to a car?

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