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发布时间:2015-10-26 点击浏览:


A, use bamboo charcoal bag.


Some owners prefer to buy bamboo charcoal package, on the Internet feel cheap, easy to use, can absorb formaldehyde, in fact, this view is wrong, bamboo charcoal is the adsorption capacity, which is understandable, but there is a direct relationship between the adsorption capacity and the volume and the number of voids, a bag of bamboo charcoal for two or three days will be filled with dust, formaldehyde, need a new bamboo charcoal package, if convenient, a bag of charcoal to sweep the world, is very dangerous, after the bamboo charcoal adsorption is full, no longer adsorption, formaldehyde in the car only absorbed by the human body, the scientists calculated based on the experiment, if the formaldehyde release a SUV car completely absorbed, it needs at least it is 1000 times larger than the volume of more than ten years of continuous adsorption of bamboo charcoal.


Two, automobile cleaner for removing formaldehyde.

新车被检测出有甲醛,车主第一时间就去找除甲醛的产品,然而市面上大多数空气清新剂并不具备除甲醛的功能,却声称可以除甲醛,车主买了空气清新剂喷洒后,明显闻到车内有种奇特的香味,原来车里的异味似乎不见了,专业房车改装 http://www.sdamsa.org/ 提示,汽车清新剂原理和汽车香水一样,它们都是利用香精散发出的味道遮掩甲醛、多环芳烃,本质上是无法清除甲醛的,所以长期使用,车主等于还在饱受车内甲醛的毒害,而且有的汽车清新剂产品中添加的香精和化学物质也容易分解成甲醛,造成二次污染。

The new car has been detected formaldehyde, the owner of the first time went to the addition of formaldehyde products, however, the market most of the air refreshing agent does not have functions in addition to formaldehyde, but claimed that can remove formaldehyde, the owner bought the air freshener spray, obvious smell inside the car with a strange smell, the smell in the car did not seem to see the professional car modification, tips, Car Freshener principle and car perfume, they are using the fragrance exudes taste masking formaldehyde, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, are essentially impossible to remove formaldehyde, so long-term use, the owners are still suffering from the car formaldehyde is toxic, and some Car Freshener products to add flavor and chemicals also breaks down into two pollution caused by formaldehyde.


Three, ventilation casual flavor, no taste, no formaldehyde.


Four, the automobile air conditioning in addition to formaldehyde.


Mr. Zhang from Beijing, drove the car smelled the odor, began the automobile air conditioning inside and outside the loop, because in the car, 4S shop sales staff told Zhang, the car has a fresh air system, air conditioning can be opened in addition to formaldehyde, automobile air conditioner is opened, the car smell less, Mr. Zhang believes that the air conditioning can remove formaldehyde. Last winter, entertain friends in a warm, Mr. Zhang was to rest in the car, he opened the air conditioning, did not expect the drowsy sleep, the sleep almost die, because Mr Zhang drunk, car doors and windows are closed, the air conditioning is the inner loop, the carbon monoxide poisoning, fortunately in time to the hospital. Automotive air conditioning to decompose the formaldehyde, inside and outside the loop can only remove a small amount of formaldehyde, the disadvantage is easy to absorb the automobile exhaust and incomplete combustion of hydrogen sulfide and other toxic substances.

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