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发布时间:2015-11-05 点击浏览:

 临近年底,会有很多用车的时候,尤其是在冬日这样冰天雪地的情况下,对于驾驶员的驾驶技术和车辆的综合素质是一个全能发挥的特殊时期。下面商务车改装 http://www.sdamsa.org/ 小编主要说一下关于皮卡汽车冬日用车的具体事情。

Near the end of the year, there are a lot of cars, especially in the winter season of ice and snow, for the comprehensive quality of the driver's driving skills and the vehicle is a all-around play in the special period. The following commercial vehicles modified small series mainly about the car in the winter of the specific things of the car.
In a world of ice and snow driving, four-wheel drive system is preferred
Northern winter is freezing, especially around dawn and heavy in the air mixed with moisture, ice is a common thing, so running in the morning is easy to trapped in the frozen potholes. At this time Mo panic, first observe the surrounding environment where more suitable for walking, is left is the right to know the score. Then the car driving mode is changed into a four-wheel drive mode, which can greatly increase the vehicle's driving force, enhance the vehicle's smooth performance, more quickly and efficiently passing potholes in the road.
Pickup winter start more difficult, the antifreeze method depends on the situation
Winter many vehicles will open the car difficult, especially pickup, so you can take corresponding prevention measures according to the local temperature. If the temperature is not very low can cover on the engine cover with a blanket or a waste cotton padded clothes, heating water or antifreeze method to thaw, the freezing point of water is 0 degrees, and the freezing point of antifreeze to much lower than water, so if the cold weather, in particular by adding antifreeze method to ensure the vehicle start more quickly. Now, most of them are used to shorten the starting time of the engine with the method of installing the preheating plug. Mainly in the diesel engine at low temperature to warm up the role of air intake. This method is generally in the minus twenty or thirty degrees can be started smoothly.
大雪天气路面湿滑 ABS系统不可少
ABS system of wet and slippery road surface of heavy snow
In the north, the winter road appear white snow ice is the norm, so often seen riding a bicycle to slip. Main reason is the tire and the ground friction reduced, especially when the emergency brake, non slip to difficult! Believe driving on the road drivers are scared, because a smooth surface is the main reason for the accident. At this time will be used in the ABS system, ABS system is mainly to avoid in emergency braking wheel lock state, can avoid wheel slip direction out of control, it can be said is against the icy pavement artifact!

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